
What does a Paediatrician do?

What does a Paediatrician do?


Parenthood is the most fulfilling yet worrisome period in one’s life. Parents  want the best care for their children the moment they are born. But what does  a paediatrician do? 

A paediatrician is a medical doctor who treats kids for their physical,  behavioural, and emotional well-being from birth until age 18, diagnoses and  treats various acute and chronic illnesses, and preventive care and works to  reduce infant mortality rates and also prevents the spread of infectious  diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle in kids.

 Let us understand the job of the best paediatrician in Vizag and know what  paediatricians do in this article.

Growth and development

Paediatricians monitor the growth and development of the child and provide  support to achieve their milestones. Children not achieving their milestones  may indicate developmental issues or other underlying illnesses. If the child is  premature, there can be a delay in achieving milestones. 

Along with checking the height, weight, length and head circumference,  the paediatrician monitors the child’s response to sounds, colour and the  ability to imitate words. Developmental paediatrics identifies and helps the  child with learning disabilities, ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),  language and speech problems, socialising problems and autism. A team of  speech therapists, normal paediatricians, ENT specialists, physiotherapists, and  child psychologists all work together to help the child to improve.

Foetal origins of adult disease

The foetal origins of adult disease (FOAD) is a concept which states that events  during early development stages directly affect the child’s risk of future adult  disease. Low birth weight due to poor foetal growth and nutrition causes  coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance.

Babies with nutritional and non-nutritional stress during different stages of  their development are prone to adult diseases. If paediatricians can treat and  implement preventive measures, it may be beneficial in controlling adult  diseases in the future.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder which damages blood vessels and  nerves and harms the eyes, kidneys, and heart. The symptoms are extreme  hunger, weight loss, loss of appetite, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting,  stomach pain, weakness and so on. 

The paediatrician will check the family’s medical history and order a fasting  blood sugar test or a random blood sugar test to determine if the child has  Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Insulin injection or pump prescribed by the  paediatrician will help the child to manage the disease. They will advise on the  correct diet plan and exercise and also check the blood and urine.

Newborn care

When a newborn needs specialist care, the paediatrician shifts the baby to the  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) without delay. Queen’s hospital NICU has  all the modern equipment like ventilators, incubators, cardio scope monitors, CPAP machines, and phototherapy machines to meet the needs of the tiniest  and the sickest newborn. Skilled doctors treat premature babies with  respiratory and cardiac problems, congenital anomalies, surgical emergencies  etc.

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder  that affects the child’s interaction with others, communication, learning, and  behaviour. It is a “developmental disorder”, as the child is diagnosed in the first  two years and a “spectrum disorder”, as the type and severity of symptoms  experienced would differ in each. 

The paediatrician can screen the child for ASD, as treatments and therapies can  improve the symptoms and daily functioning. Parents insist on screening if the  child has a sibling with ASD, has older parents, has certain genetic conditions  such as Down syndrome or Fragile X syndrome, and has a less birth weight. Early detection will help to provide supportive treatments and therapies to  help the child improve.

Nutrition and celiac disease

Celiac disease develops when the infant has gluten-containing foods after 6-9  months. Children will experience symptoms within minutes to hours after  consuming gluten. Excessive gas, abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss,  vomiting etc., can be observed in kids as symptoms. 

Breast milk is naturally gluten-free, also all infant milk formulas. Therefore,  paediatricians will advise on how to include solid foods gradually. Apart from  eliminating foods that contain gluten from the diet, Paediatricians will  prescribe supplements, recommend vaccinations or review the symptoms  annually and check the height and weight to ensure proper growth and  nutrition.

Diagnosis and early intervention for genetic and congenital conditions

Developmental screening and early intervention programmes have proven  their benefits in pre-term infants and other healthy babies. Early detection of  genetic and congenital conditions leads to interventions to prevent the onset  of symptoms and decrease disease severity. 

Families of children with a diagnosed condition have reported a more positive  experience with early intervention services than their counterparts. Several  tests like-newborn screening, carrier testing, prenatal diagnosis,  diagnostic/prognostic testing, predictive/pre-dispositional tests etc., determine  the risk of genetic disorders.

Disabilities such as cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the child’s ability to move and maintain  balance and posture. They may also have problems with vision, speech,  hearing, intellect, spine or joints etc. 

Paediatricians can diagnose it early by checking the delay in reaching  movement milestones such as rolling over, sitting, standing or walking. They  can also do developmental monitoring, screening, medical evaluation,  treatments, medicines, surgery, braces, and physical, occupational and speech  therapy.

Asthma and allergies

In childhood asthma, the lungs and airways become easily inflamed when  exposed to triggers or allergens like dust mites, pet dander, pollen, smoke or  mould. Treating the symptoms can control and prevent damage to the growing  lungs. 

Constant coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness require consultation with a  paediatrician, an allergist, or a pulmonologist. They will form an action plan  regarding the medicine intake, frequency of administration and emergencies.  They will also introduce methods of using nebulisers, inhalers and chewable  pills that are kid friendly.

Common childhood bacterial infections

Children visit their paediatricians with upper respiratory tract infections, ear  infections, sinusitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, bacterial pneumonia, urinary  tract infections, and gastroenteritis. Change in the climate and acquired  infection from other kids are its causes. Suitable antibiotic therapy by  paediatricians will decrease the symptoms in kids.


What paediatricians do is very important for the upbringing of a healthy child.  Consult the best paediatrician in Vizianagaram in Queens NRI hospital. Highly  qualified paediatric specialists work with paediatric and neonatal ventilators,  monitors, and phototherapy equipment, with radiological, laboratory, and  surgical OT forms, making it a haven for your child.