Institute of Cardiology and Cardio Thoracic Surgery
Department of Cardiology & Cardio Thoracic Surgery is dedicated to providing the safest and highest-quality surgery for our patients. We offer virtually every type of adult cardiac surgery including elective or emergency surgery for heart valve disease, aortic aneurysm, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, Marfan syndrome and other less common conditions. Cardiac surgery at our hospital is done by the heart surgeons with vast experience and expertise in several areas of cardiac surgery, cardio-vascular surgery and thoracic surgery. CT Surgeons perform off Pump and On Pump Bypass Surgeries as per the need of the Patient.
The hospital has all facilities from taking a simple ECG to the most complex coronary interventions like Primary Angioplasty, multi-vessel angioplasty, IVUS (Intra Vascular Ultrasound soon to be installed) imaging guided optimal stentings, implantation of anti heart failure devices to name a few. These are carried out by the Philips 'Clear View' Flat Panel Detector FD10 Cath Lab. Such state-of-the-art equipment and technology is available in but a few centers in the country.
The department is run by trained team of Interventional and non interventional Cardiologists. Cardiologists here carry out high volumes of procedures daily.
Cardiac Angioplasty
Queens NRI Hospital treats heart attack patients with the most effective and advanced procedure available, namely primary angioplasty. It is the preferred treatment for heart attack according to the American College of Cardiology.
Heart attacks are caused when blocked arteries prevent the heart from receiving oxygen. Traditional treatment uses drugs to dissolve blood clots. While effective, it does not treat the underlying cause of the blockage, resulting in possible re-hospitalization and further procedures. With primary angioplasty a balloon is inflated to open the clogged artery and a stainless steel wire mesh, called a stent, is inserted. This acts as a scaffold to keep the artery open. The result: blockages are completely cleared, heart damage is lessened, the risk of stroke and/or subsequent heart attack is reduced and the hospital stay is shortened.
"There are basically two ways to treat someone having a heart attack," "One way is to use clot-dissolving medications. But they only work about 70 percent of the time and do not address the underlying blockage. The safest way to treat an acute heart attack and avoid subsequent procedures is to open the blocked artery with a balloon and insert a stent. We have the trained personnel and the equipment to perform emergency primary angioplasty right away on our heart attack patients."
Patients experiencing symptoms of a heart attack are evaluated within minutes of arriving in the Accident & Emergency Department. Queens NRI Hospital offers 24X7 emergency primary angioplasty programme. Primary angioplasty complements the comprehensive cardiac services provided at the hospital - from the patient's doorstep and transport to the hospital with our cardiac ambulance units, to their safe return home.
Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
Don't ignore the warning signs of a heart attack

Chest pain with or without nausea

Shortness of breath


Profuse sweating



Weakness and intense feelings of dread
Call us at 0891-2827777 (or) 9849526125. The sooner treatment starts the better. While you wait, chew on an aspirin to help dissolve the blood clot.
Cardiac Arrhythmia Services
Non-Invasive Cardiac Arrhythmia Services:
- Cardiac arrhythmia and pacemaker clinic
- Transtelephonic monitoring
- Holter Monitor: This is a 24 hour ECG monitoring. The recorder is connected to the patient's body, which he takes home and brings back after 24hours. The recorder is connected to the computer and ECG is analyzed for arrhythmia problems.
- V Patch System: Extended monitoring of heart rhythm up to 7 days is possible with continuous update on server through transmission using global sim card. The doctors can visualize your rhythm whenever they want.
Invasive Cardiac Arrhythmia Services:
- Intracardiac diagnostic electrophysiology investigations
- Therapeutic catheter ablation of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
- Permanent pacemaker implantation
- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation
- Anti heart failure devices (biventricular pacemakers)
Invasive Diagnostic and Interventional Services :
- Cardiac catheterisation
- Coronary angiography
- Coronary angioplasty, and stent implantation
- Balloon valvuloplasty
- Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation
- Device closure of ASD/VSD/PDA
- Renal Angiography and Angioplasty
- Carotid Angiography and Angioplasty
- Peripheral Angiography and Angioplasty
- Embolisation Procedures