There are a number of medical conditions that might cause your skin to seem abnormal. Dermatological changes such as rashes and inflammation are possible side effects. Some skin conditions run in families, while others are the result of a person's lifestyle choices. Skin disease therapy may include the use of drugs, lotions or ointments, and dietary and lifestyle modifications. You can schedule an appointment with our top dermatologists in Visakhapatnam to get the most effective treatment possible.
Department of Dermatology
At Queens NRI Hospital we believe that beauty is not skin deep; the skin is actually a mirror of one’s health. We provide treatments with a holistic approach for the management of skin disorders, medical as well as aesthetic.
Our hospital has a full fledged dermatology department which offers a wide range of services for patients who require specialized treatments of international standards.

Our hospital provides the following services in its dermatology department.

- Treatment for Acne and pimples
- Eczema or atopic dermatitis
- Dermal Ulcers
- Rashes and scars
- Psorasis
- Ringworms
- Warts
- Pigmentation
- Laser Hair Removal
- Hair, Nail and Skin Disorders.
What Are The Root Causes Of Skin Diseases?
Certain variables in one's daily life might contribute to developing a skin condition. Additionally, underlying medical issues may have an impact on your skin. The following are some of the most common causes of skin diseases:
- Infection caused by bacteria trapped in your pores or hair follicles
- Thyroid, renal, and immune system disorders
- Contact with environmental stimuli, such as allergens or another person’s skin, might result in an allergic reaction.
- Genetics
- Fungus or parasites that have taken up residence on your skin.
- Inflammatory bowel disease medications
- Viruses.
- Diabetes.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Skin Conditions?
The signs and symptoms of skin illness differ substantially based on your condition. For example, if you wear too-tight shoes, you may get a blister. However, when skin changes appear without a recognised reason, they may be related to an underlying ailment.

In general, skin illnesses might result in the following symptoms:
- Skin discolouration in the form of patches (abnormal pigmentation).
- Skin that is parched.
- Sores, lesions, or ulcers that are open.
- Skin that is peeling.
- Rashes, possibly accompanied by itching or discomfort.
- Bulbs that are red, white, or pus-filled.
- Skin that is scaly or rough.
What Is The Procedure For Diagnosing A Skin Disease?
We have top dermatologists in India to identify various skin conditions simply by inspecting the skin’s affected area. If glancing at your skin does not provide precise results, we will delve deeper into the matter and recommend certain tests such as the following:
1. Biopsy - It is necessary to perform a biopsy to examine a tiny skin sample under a microscope.
2. Black-light Examination - A black-light examination (also known as a wood light examination) is a procedure in which ultraviolet (UV) light is used to see your skin's pigmentation more clearly.
3. Diascopy - Diascopy is the process of rubbing a microscope slide on a skin patch to examine whether the colour of the skin changes.
4. Dermoscopy - Dermoscopy is a method of diagnosing skin lesions that use hand-held equipment.
5. Tzanck Test - The Tzanck test, which involves evaluating the fluid from a blister to determine if the patient has herpes simplex or herpes zoster, is performed.

Many skin conditions respond well to therapy. Depending on the severity of the problem, a dermatologist or other healthcare professional may offer the following treatments:
- Antibiotics.
- Antihistamines.
- Skin resurfacing with lasers.
- Medicated lotions, ointments, and gels
- Moisturisers.
- Oral drugs
- Steroid tablets, lotions, and injections
- Surgical operations
- Our healthcare professional recommends that you avoid or restrict specific foods, such as sugar or dairy, follow their advice.
- Stress should be managed.
- Maintain appropriate hygiene, which includes regular skincare.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages and quit smoking.
Making the following lifestyle modifications may also help to alleviate the symptoms of skin conditions:
Cauterization, Radio Frequency Cauterization, Glycolic Peeling, TCA & Salicylic acid reeling

Being one of the best dermatologist hospital in India, we offer the following types of treatments
- Chemical Peeling
- Mirco-Dermabrasion
- Botox and Fillers Injections
- Wart Removal Skin Lightening and Scar, Laser Hair Removal
- Skin Biopsy for Histo Pathological Examination where ever indicated.
Our cosmetic dermatology services are very popular among our patients who are assured of quality care and comprehensive treatments. We provide a range of surgical services in the areas of dermatology which are performed by our specialists which include hair removal, removal of lipomas and skin tags, reduction of facial scars and stretch marks etc.